I'm not entirely sure if I have a real writing style or not. Looking back, I notice that I tend to take on the style of whatever author I find interesting. For example, in my first blog, I was obsessed with the writing of Lemony Snicket. For those of you with no childhood, he is the author of the Series of Unfortunate Events, a series that chroniclized the misery of the Baudelaire children. But I digress. The point is, in that particular blog, the style was so identical, it could have been written by Handler himself.
Currently though, I have been reading the works of Chuck Palahniuk. For those of you with no humor, he is the author of Fight Club. I've been reading a few of his books and seen the movie only a bah-zillion times, so as a result, I have been slipping into his style of writing, even to go as far as to mentally narrate myself as if I were a character with an audience of readers. So don't be alarmed if you notice a slight similarity. I hope to grow out of this habit
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